Piraeus Urban Plan




The key aim of the Piraeus Urban Plan is to identify critical zones for integrating nature-based solutions to foster more environmentally conscious neighbourhoods. Piraeus and the study area grapple with high urban density, posing challenges for implementing Green Infrastructure (GI) adaptation measures. Hence, the Urban Plan focuses its efforts on two pivotal elements: schools and schoolyards with the aim of transforming them into interactive community gardens including didactic and pollinator spaces. Additionally, the plan targets streets that can serve as sites for new green corridors, further enhancing greening initiatives within the urban environment.

Click on the NBS icons on the map and the boxes in the corner to find out more about Piraeus' Urban Plan with this interactive map


Green infrastructure Buildings and amenities Nature Based Solutions
NBS 3.1+8.1 NBS 3.2+8.2 NBS 6.1 NBS 6.2 NBS 8.3
image/svg+xmlNBS8NBS3NBS8NBS3NBS8NBS3NBS8NBS3Primary and secondaryschools-gardens andpollinator-friendly areasPrimary and secondaryschools-gardens andpollinator-friendly areasPrimary and secondaryschools-gardens andpollinator-friendly areasPrimary and secondaryschools-gardens andpollinator-friendly areas++++++NBS8NBS8NBS3NBS3NBS8NBS3NBS8NBS3NBS8NBS3NBS3NBS8Guidelines for futuregreening policiesGuidelines for futuregreening policiesGuidelines forfuture greening policiesGuidelines forfuture greeningpoliciesGuidelines forfuture greeningpoliciesGuidelines for futuregreening policiesNBS6Marias KiourisPedestrian RoadNBS 6 IN PIRAEUS CITYSTRATEGIC REQUIREMENTS FORGREEN CORRIDORS DEVELOPMENTNBS8Marias KiourisPollinator-Friendly Route

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 innovation action programme under grant agreement no. 776528. The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the proGIreg project and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.